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Buntingford Distribution Centre

The Former Sainsbury’s Distribution Centre at Buntingford, is a large brownfield site on the southern edge of the town of Buntingford, consisting of 5 separate redundant buildings ranging in height from 11-13m, with 1 building standing at 22.5m tall.


Applied Landscape Design were commissioned to assist the team in gaining planning permission for redevelopment of this site. The site is still intended to be used as a distribution centre / logistics hub but with modern state of the art equipment, and all under one roof.


The remit put to ALD was to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, and develop photomontages with a 0 to 25year time frame, to aid the team in compiling a case that the new proposals would sit better in this rural landscape than the current fragmented buildings. The LVIA also helped to determine the building position and height, tree positions for screening and building materials.





ALD role:

Buntingford, East Hertfordshire


Prologis UK Ltd


Commercial & Logistics



LVIA, Planning Submission, Masterplanning, Photomontages, Ecology


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