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East Village Play Areas

Detailed design and construction detailing of 4 children’s play areas within the Athletes Village public realm.  Encompassing facilities for all age ranges through the provision of Local Areas for Play (LAPs), Local Equipped Areas for Play (LEAPS) and Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play (NEAPs) under the Section 106 Agreement.


This involved the specification of appropriate play equipment whilst also providing bespoke detailing of play features. These include ‘parkour’ climbing walls / railings and seating, timber bridges / balance beams as well as an iconic entrance feature comprising of upside down Robinia trees, the roots forming an arch.  Whilst a ‘small piece’ of a large masterplan - the ALD team were instrumental in the integration of play - both as specific pieces and as part of the urban realm - examining informal opportunities, and providing flexibility for integration and enhancement on an on going basis.





ALD role:



Lead Lease




Parks & Open Spaces

Leisure & Events


Work Stages 3 through to 6:

Detailed Design  - Completion



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