London 2012 Athlete’s Village: Podium Courtyard
A diverse portfolio of private and commercial raised courtyard spaces, each with distinct themes and materiality, bringing people down from their high rises to join up and form a community where there was once industrial decay.
A project which demonstrates ALD’s abilities to deliver successful landscape solutions. With an original commission to establish design briefs and strategies for the residential plot podium landscapes, ALD went on to take designs from concept through numerous reviews to successful completion. All courtyards had to adhere to stringent standards including Secure by design briefs, and attain CfSH and BREEAM ratings.
Stratford, East London
Lend Lease / ODA
Pre-games March 2012
Post-games Phases Spring 2014
Work Stages 2 through to 6:
Concept Design - Completion
ALD role: