Sainsbury Supermarkets
As a preferred supplier for Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd Applied Landscape Design have currently worked on over 30 sites scattered throughout the UK, these range from Local Stores, to Super Stores and Petrol Stations.
ALD have assisted the numerous Sainsbury’s Supermarkets projects of varying degrees of scales and complexity, from feasibility studies, tree surveys, landscape and visual impact assessments, and planning inquiries through to detailed design, site supervision and store openings, no site to large or small is beyond our remit. Through being a preferred supplier ALD has managed to forge strong relationships with Architects, Drainage and Transport Engineers and Public Relations firms.
In addition to our core Landscape Architectural Consultancy skills and landscape management experience we have strong links with Ecologists and have supported many of the projects through numerous specialist surveys for Bats, Badgers, Reptiles and Water Voles to name but a few. Landscape Architecture and Ecology go hand in hand, from our client’s feedback this a valuable service that they really appreciate.
UK Wide
Sainsbury Supermarkets Ltd
LVIA, Feasibility, Planning, Planning Inquiry, Delivery, Construction Phase Monitoring, Ecology
ALD role: